Meet, Learn, Earn. Repeat

The first online platform 100% dedicated to Plastic Surgeons

Plastica is the first global community dedicated exclusively to Plastic Surgeons and their world. No aesthetics doctors, no dermatologist, no dentists or similar. Just Plastic Surgeons and related entities.

How it works?

Social Network Platform

An entire Social Network designed for Plastic Surgeons

We designed Plastica around a Social Network Platform in order to reduce the physical barriers between you and your colleagues worldwide. Its familiar design requires no learning path, it’s immediate and no-brainer. Want to contact one of your colleagues in a remote country? Text him directly, in seconds.

Learning & Events Platform

Learning and Teaching, easier than ever

Want to enroll in a course? To attend an online event? Do it at your own speed. Plastica is not an association or a congress, is the Netflix and Linkedin of Plastic Surgery. Either if you are a learner or a teacher, a brand or an association, we have a specific plan for you to make things easier for you.

Private, Portable and Safe Global Interacion

We removed the barriers for you

The world is changing and Plastic Surgery with it. With Plastica we want to make things easier: Now you can discuss about the topics and issues that are more important for you, in total safety. Our entire system filter its users and we do not allow members outside of your community to join. We are also simplifying the processes and making it cheaper. Want to publish your own course? Do it from your home.

Designed to optmize time, money and resources.

Optimized for every player in the market

Plastic Surgeons & Residents

You are the core, the vibrant hearth. We designed Plastica around your needs, by working side by side with you during years.

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Plastic Surgery Societies

We are here to enhance your possibilitites and to promote you by creating sinergies all around the globe. Remove your physical barriers and promote your content worldwide.

Discover how

Plastic Surgery Industry

You work every day side by side with Plastic Surgeons, we created some new ways to propose your services and products that will extend your range of options. Also, much cheaper.

Shine Like A Star